• Click the «Tor» button to see what data is visible to eavesdroppers when you’re using Tor. The button will turn green to indicate that Tor is on.
  • Click the «HTTPS» button to see what data is visible to eavesdroppers when you’re using HTTPS. The button will turn green to indicate that HTTPS is on.
  • When both buttons are green, you see the data that is visible to eavesdroppers when you are using both tools.
  • When both buttons are grey, you see the data that is visible to eavesdroppers when you don’t use either tool.
  • Potentially visible data includes: the site you are visiting (SITE.COM), your username and password (USER/PW), the data you are transmitting (DATA), your IP address (LOCATION), and whether or not you are using Tor (TOR).

NSA Spying

EFF is leading the fight against the NSA’s illegal mass surveillance program. Learn more about what the program is, how it works, and what you can do.